The Circle Answer Conditional Learning Activity
This learning activity consists of a series of questions that the student answers by circling the correct responses. The learning activity is "conditional" because the user has a choice of answers and the learning activity will respond a certain way, depending upon the answer that the student selects. You can choose to have the student answer questions and give a score at the end, or you can use this as a learning tool and direct the student to the correct answers. For the purpose of this example, we are going to direct the student to the correct answers. The student can be directed to a particular answer by means of text or audio instructions. After the student answers the series of questions correctly, he sees a congratulations screen specific to the learning activity.
First, instructions appear describing the learning activity, with directions. The student then answers the first question by clicking the choice that he wants. If the answer is incorrect, he hears "Wrong" and sees text indicating that the answer is incorrect. This text can also include hints or directions to the correct answer. The student must answer correctly to proceed. After successfully answering the question, the student continues to the next questions until he completes all questions. He then sees a message indicating what the answers mean, usually with audio congratulations and applause.
An Example of a Circle Answer Conditional Activity:
Fractions are fun! In this learning activity, you will choose the correct fraction that fits the description for that line in the table. (Note that this method of instruction is directed answering. You do not have to do directed answering. You could have the student make the best choice.)
Picture or chart indicating questions and answers available: Example, fill in for your learning activity:
Fraction Description Choices Score
Fraction greater than 1 1/2 22/23 9/6 5/8 2/4 9/12 1 (if correct and since we will not let them go to the next line until the correct fraction is chosen, this will be the correct score)
Fraction equal in value to 4/5 1/2 3/4 22/23 25/20 20/25 8/25 1
Fraction less than 2/4 1/2 6/12 1/3 22/23 7/12 5/10 1
Total Score 3
This process continues for each row. After answering successfully, the following message is given to the student, along with applause:
Ending Text Message (may be a picture) Audio is generally applause. Example, replace for new activity:
Fractions are fun! Congratulations!
Below are some variations of the forced answer sequence examples where this method of learning is useful:
Example: 1 To test your understanding of company regulations about what you can and cannot say during a presentation, circle the items that you cannot say during the XXXXX presentation.
Items are listed from 1-10. (As each item is circled, the student is informed whether the selection was correct. There are five items that cannot be said during a presentation -At the end of ten tries, or if all the correct items are selected, applause is given, and a score indicates whether the right five choices were finally selected).
Example: 2 Any form that needs to be filled out correctly, like evaluation forms. You can guide the student through a section of a form and indicate how to properly fill it out.
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