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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Teaching Your 75 Year Old Mother How to Use a Computer

Today the technology is simply wonderful to those that have grown up with the computers, VCRs, Remote control and electronic alarm clocks. Now for those people that are not computer literate, it can be a real challenge! I remember the first time I wanted my mother to open a browser, she told me that she had no dogs and I must be on some drugs. I laughed and showed her what a browser was. I showed her how to get on the web and search for a site. First thing she asked to look at was her bank. She had heard you could do your banking online.

I have gone through the experience of teaching my 75 year old mother how to email, make a document, make a folder, and even save the document. I thought this was great! Then she wanted to learn more. Next thing I know I am teaching her how to scan documents, retrieve pictures from her camera and save them. Have you ever tried to teach someone over the phone? LOLOLOL

Let me tell you, it can only be done to a point. Let alone having my mother remember what she had done the last time was not always the case. I went through about 3 months of trying to teach her over the phone and going over to her home to teach her what to do, when I could.

We would also have those problems that every computer goes through, printer is not responding, could not find a file, and so on. Her favorite thing to do at night is playing Bingo on the TV Game show and printing out the cards to play with. For a solid week we had a difficult time getting the cards to print. We did get through the dilemma and was able to print. But the time I spent trying to teach her was too much.

A girlfriend of mine who also is a computer geek, and I were talking about the problem I was having with my mother learning online and trying to teach her over the phone and how frustrating it was for my mother and myself. She laughed at me and said, here you are the teacher and now I get to teach you! I know, I do not know everything, I do teach but I also learn too.

She proceeded to show me a web-based program you can set up on the other computer first and then set it up on your computer. Once this is done I was able to go into her computer and take over her computer. I can then show her what I want her to learn and also see if she can do it herself. Wow! I am finally getting work done and also my mother is getting very efficient with her computer now. As a matter of fact she can even look up my articles and comment on them, edit them and even add what she thinks I should do.

She understands our lingo now! Google, email, IM, Yahoo, GUI, online banking, My Space and much more. She even knows how to use Micro soft office and is doing very well. She is still learning and I am still teaching her!
