Branded Memory Sticks Replace the Chainsaw
Most companies, irrespective of their size, will either exhibit at or attend one or two trade shows, conferences or business forums each year. In some cases companies become serial exhibitors or serial attendees of such events.
For some attendees part of the attraction is to simply gather as many "freebies" as they can from the exhibitors but for the vast majority their attendance has a serious business justification. Attendance or participation is typically linked to building industry and competitor knowledge, networking or buying and selling.
Historically it was impossible to attend these events without either printing the equivalent of a rainforest's worth of brochures and sales literature. Likewise many attendees' arms get extended during their day as they accumulate the said printed material.
Another casualty of this frenetic conference and exhibition giving and attending is the humble tree that surrenders itself to the chainsaw to provide the raw material for the brochures and sales collateral But things are changing, albeit slowly.
Today more and more companies recognise the environmental, production, storage and distribution costs of such actives and are now switching to USB Memory sticks. The humble USB memory stick can be pre-loaded with electronic copies of sales brochures, price lists, presentation slides, videos, links to web sites etc. In fact all of your businesses sales collateral can be pre-loaded onto a single tiny USB Memory stick.
As well as replacing a huge amount of expensive and heavy paper the USB memory stick can of course be branded to carry a company logo or brand.
You can take USB memory sticks one stage further and get a fully customised memory stick produced in the shape of your company logo or perhaps a specific product, examples include USB trucks, guitars, fruit, light bulbs, aeroplanes, mobile phones etc. In fact pretty much anything can be manufactured with a USB connector on the end. These customised versions make a real impact and are ideal when there is a particular product to launch or promote.
Whether a customised memory stick or more conventional branded USB memory stick is used the benefits to all are obvious. With the fall in the price of branded and customised memory sticks the costs when compared against printed collateral also stack up. So putting aside the environmental arguments branded USB memory sticks make commercial sense hence why their use is becoming more popular.
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