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Monday, June 23, 2008

Obsolete Electronic Parts, Obsolete No More

Even if you know nothing about electronics, you know that electronics become obsolete just about the time they hit the store shelves. Manufacturers are always making things bigger and better and that means that about the time we are buying something new there is something else that is better that is about to be released.

Because of this, it is possible to both buy and sell obsolete electronic parts if you have them to sell or if you need them for an electronic device that you are still using even though it is not the newest version of the item.

Buying Obsolete Electronic Parts

Do you have an old computer, television, cell phone, or video game system that you love and you aren't ready to give up on? Many electronics don't last all that long anymore, but sometimes you just need one piece to be replaced and it could be working like new again. If you are trying to extend the life of your electronic device, an affordable way to do this may be to buy obsolete electronic parts for it.

Many times you can buy these parts for very little and you can repair your device. This is often a lot more affordable than going out and buying the latest model, and if you are attached to the item it may simply make more sense for you to repair it instead of buying the newest model.

You can buy obsolete electronic parts from many different sources. You may be able to buy them from a variety of auction sites, from local parts dealers, and surprisingly, even from yard sales and the like! Many people consider their obsolete electronics trash, so you can get these parts for next to nothing in a lot of cases.

One thing you should be sure of when you buy obsolete electronic parts is that they are in working order, if you intend to use them.

Selling Obsolete Electronic Parts

Selling obsolete electronic parts is something that just about everyone can do. Why? Because we probably all have some obsolete electronics in our homes, many of which we don't want but we don't know what to do with. They say that one man's trash is another's treasure and it could not be truer than it is with obsolete electronics.

If you have electronics or electronic parts that are out dated, chances are that you could sell them yourself on an auction site or even to a parts dealer and make money off of the deal. You may not be able to retire from the money that you make, but this is a great way to get rid of those obsolete parts that you do not need or want.

If you do sell obsolete electronic parts make sure that you state their working order. You need to do this because a lot of people want to know what they are buying and if it is not to their liking you may find that you have a very unhappy customer on your hands. If you don't know the working status, just state it as such and allow the buyer to make their own determination.

Using Computer Rentals and Server Rentals For Business Continuity Planning

Ensuring that a company could continue day-to-day operations in the face of a large-scale disruption to its information technology (IT) infrastructure is a critical yet often overlooked or underemphasized component of a company's business plan in what is an increasingly risk-prone, technology-dependent global business environment. Procuring and testing the computer rentals, server rentals and critical systems that would be necessary to ensure business continuity for a company that (unlike many of the largest and most technology dependent companies) does not have a dedicated alternate disaster recovery site in place is perhaps one of the easiest and most efficient ways for a company to kickstart a business continuity initiative.

"Business continuity" the buzzword in the disaster recovery field has been a focus of concern for both industry and government in the unsettling wake of events in this post-9/11 world. Public Safety Canada distinguishes between a "business resumption plan", a "disaster recovery plan" and a "business continuity plan". A "business resumption plan" focuses on how a business will resume normal operations after a disruption caused by natural or man-made causes. A "disaster recovery plan" focuses on how a company will recover its IT assets after a disastrous interruption, while a "business continuity plan" emphasizes how a company can enable critical services or products to be continually delivered to clients in the face of a disastrous disruption of its normal functions. Instead of focusing on resuming operations after critical operations have ceased, or recovering after a disaster, a business continuity plan endeavors to ensure that critical operations continue to be available.

What level of planning a company requires - business resumption versus disaster recovery versus business recovery - will depend, of course, on the size of a company and the product and services it provides clients and customers. Most likely all companies will require elements of all three as part of overall business planning. Like having an insurance policy, no business wants to have to rely on the provisions of its disaster recovery planning but having disaster recovery planning remains prudent and necessary for long-term business survival.

The "Guide to Business Continuity Planning," set out by Public Safety Canada (a branch of the Canada's federal government) and available on its website at, notes that a company's plans for what it would do in the face of a potential 'disaster' should include "risk evaluation, management and control and effective plans, measures and arrangements for business continuity." The PSC identifes two critical areas that need to be addressed:

"* Plans, measures and arrangements to ensure the continuous delivery of critical services and products, which permits the organization to recover its facility, data and assets.

* Identification of necessary resources to support business continuity, including personnel, information, equipment, financial allocations, legal counsel, infrastructure protection and accommodations."

Equipment providers that specialize in business computer rentals can provide the technical expertise and computer rentals, server rentals and peripherals etc. to "dry run" a company's response to a 'disaster' that shuts down normal operations.

Of course, the level of preparedness and tolerance for disruptions to operations will vary from business to business. A company in the data processing industry, for example, will likely already have operative business continuity and data recovery plans, procedures, equipment and facilities in place and running. A company that is not as IT dependent and has some built-in tolerance for short-term disruptions (say 24 to 72 hours) may not.

For such companies, when taking out the "insurance" of preparing business continuity/resumption and disaster recovery planning, a relatively inexpensive exercise in setting up a working alternate site with the computer rentals and server rentals that would be required in the wake of a sudden and serious IT disruption could be the most effective "insurance premium" it ever pays in terms of the overall costs and benefits to its short and long-term business prospects. Conducting a "dry run" will allow a company the opportunity to develop its plan for the unexpected and highlight the 'glitches' that will inevitably arise the first time an alternative short-term IT structure is set up.

All About Adobe Photoshop CS3

Adobe Photoshop is a well known high quality software package for working with raster graphic images and bitmaps. Most people consider it a superiour product when compared with the existing competition and almost certainly the markets leading programme of its type. Photoshop is frequently used as a tool in graphic design, for manipulating and editing images and has wide applications. CS3 is the latest and greatest version of Adobe Photoshop at this time. CS3 which stands for "Creative Suit 3" is available with various developed software programmes and bundles from Adobe. There are several different bundles available but most of them are not incorporated with the version of either Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended. It should also be noted that the Apple Macintosh computers and PC's running current versions of the Microsoft windows operating system are supporting the versions of CS3.

You can have quick advance compositing and quick selection tools by the use of Adobe Photoshop CS3 software. It comes with powerful editing tools, work flow enhancements and has a streamlined interference. The CS3 extended version provides great help to graphic and web designers, engineers and scientific researchers, medical and manufacturing professionals.

Several useful features like spot-healing brush, smart objects, red-eye reduction and illustrator are all loaded into Adobe Photoshop CS3 software.

Broadly speaking the products contained in Adobe Photoshop CS3 are intended for professional use but thats not saying you need proper training to get most out of this software.

With Adobe Illustrator CS3, you can create sharp edged artistic illustrations like clip arts, cartoons and other geometric complex patterns. You can have complete color exploration environment with the help of this software, along with that it allows you to apply colors dynamically to selected objects.

It should be noted that Adobe Photoshop CS3 is a very powerful programme which can in turn make it difficult to learn due to its sophistication.

Looking to Buy a Computer - Desktop Or Laptop?

Lots of people buy computers everyday, however it is a difficult task for some. Deciding between a laptop and desktop PC is an easy decision once you evaluate what tasks you are going to complete with the computer and where you plan to use it. Things like price, computer specs (specifications), portability and style + design are all important factors to consider before purchasing.

One of the most important considerations is; in what environment you are going to use it? If you are just using it at home and don't need to move it around a lot, a desktop PC would be ideal. However, if you want to use it in multiple locations eg.(on the train, school, work, lying in bed) a laptop would be more suitable. Of course, if you don't want to move it around, a laptop is more compact and will take up less space inside your house.

Better prices and specs are both reasons to get a desktop PC over a laptop. PCs are drastically cheaper than laptops and have better performance for what you pay. If you see a cheap laptop advertised, you will be able to find a better performing PC for a cheaper price. Desktop PCs are also easily upgradeable. This means you can add extra fans, upgrade video card, motherboard and add your own cards into PCI slots. None of this can be done easily with a laptop.

Whether you decide to buy a desktop PC or a laptop make sure you are happy with the specs and design. Be careful to think about what is best for you before you go into a shop and let a sales person force you into a sale.

Biometric Handgun Safes - Are They Reliable

Biometric technology and fingerprint recognition locks have grown in popularity in recent years due to September 11th, and because of the increased security concerns, the United States government has become a strong advocate of this technology for the future. Biometrics is the study of methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon physical or behavioral traits. There are many ways it is used for including face, fingerprint, hand and iris recognition. Since this technology is still relativity new, it has problems that all new technologies share.

The safe industry has moved into the biometric technology future by making safes that use fingerprint reader technology to open them instead of the traditional locking methods. Handgun safes are the most popular and by just using your fingerprint, you can open the safe to get to your pistols or valuables. This is supposed to be more convenient then say using a key but the question is, how reliable are they? Here are the definitions for biometric false read rates.

Performance Measurement

* (FAR) - False accept rate / (FMR) - False match rate

"The probability that the system incorrectly declares a successful match between the input pattern and a non-matching pattern in the database. It measures the percent of invalid matches. These systems are critical since they are commonly used to forbid certain actions by disallowed people."

* (FRR) - False reject rate / (FNMR) - false non-match rate

"The probability that the system incorrectly declares failure of match between the input pattern and the matching template in the database. It measures the percent of valid inputs being rejected"

These performance measurements were established to determine the readability and reliability of biometric technologies. According to a test done in 2004 on 100 subjects to find the FAR and FRR on state of the art fingerprint scanners. The false accept rate and false reject rate was at 2%. Many things can account for false read rates including having sticky or dirty fingers, to even just the reliability of the scanner itself.

So in summary, ask yourself these questions;

1) Will I be happy with a 2% false or failure to open the lock rate?

2) Do I want to risk someone copying my thumb or finger print to gain access to my weapon?

3) Should I wait until this technology becomes more reliable and secure?

4) Is there a proven, reliable lock that I can use today?

The recommend lock is the Simplex five button mechanical lock.


1) Simplex mechanical locks have been in use for many generations and have a proven track record of reliability and dependability.

2) The amount of time it takes to open a Simplex mechanical lock is about the same as a biometric fingerprint lock.

3) There is no risk of copying your combination if you keep it confidential.

4) There are no batteries to die during periods of non-use.

5) Low maintenance or no maintenance.

Biometric fingerprint readers on handgun safes may have a future when they become more reliable and dependable but for now the "old technology is still the way to go since they are more reliable, dependable and easier to maintain.