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Monday, June 16, 2008

Improve Your System Speed


This is the most common and most dangerous internet security threat today.
Which is designed to steal our personal information so it can be used for illegal purposes.
More than one billion computers on the internet today, 80% are not protected against this virus.

This is a small program or piece of code that is secretly installed on your computer and designed to "spy" on your online activity and/or personal information. Although not all are used for illegal purposes, most of it can be very dangerous due of its ability to record keystrokes, take snapshots of our PC screen, and monitor everything we do online. Which is used to commit crimes is called crime-ware.


Which is designed to run quietly in the background of our PC, and is normally not detectable unless you have a lot of it. The most common signs that your computer is infested :
Your computer is running much slower than usual. Computer takes a lot longer to boot up than it used to. You see a lot of activity on your network connection.

If you suddenly notice a change in your computer, for example pop up advertisements suddenly appearing, your Internet home page changing unexpectedly, or maybe your computer is just running very slowly, then you may have been infected by this virus.

Spy protection is vital if you use the Internet and some of the spy blocker software will allow you to scan your computer and remove these programs. Other blocker software will run in the background of your computer and prevent software from being installed.

If you suspect that your computer may be infected with this software, you will need to install a removal tool immediately to help prevent any further damage taking place. Remember it's not just your computer at risk, with this it can also be your personal details and passwords.

To keep your PC free from this threat you have to download software from the Internet. The software will clean traces of virus as well as protect your system from further attacks of this virus when you are online. Which is an essential tool to keep your system free of dangerous threats protecting your privacy and your PC Since there are so many kinds of threats,which removal is a complicated process. We recommend that you use an anti-spyware software.

1. They provide real time protection against the installation of this software on your computer. This type of protection works in a similar manner as an anti-virus protection as all incoming network data is scanned for this software and the threats are blocked.

2. This software programs can be used solely for the detection and removal of virus that has already found its way onto your computer. This software allows you to schedule weekly, daily, or monthly scans of your computer to detect and remove any virus that has been installed on your computer.

DVD Duplication - Make A Plan

Before anything else, an explanation of the difference between DVD duplication and replication would be in order. Therefore, basically both are ways to get a CD or DVD copied. The difference between the two is that, just like CDs and DVDs found in retail stores, with replication the disk is pressed from a glass master with the artwork printed directly onto the disc surface.

On the other hand, with duplication the disk is burned from a CD-R or DVD-R however, the artwork is printed on a paper label that is then applied to the disc’s surface. Whichever way you decide to go whether it is a QuickTime movie, book, DVD, streaming media or anything else, there are any numbers of factors that need to be considered and planned for before even beginning. In other words, if your project is of any scale then you need to formulate a plan. With that in mind, any plan should be, as the project progresses, appropriately revised.

Nevertheless, as complete a list as we could put together these are the factors that need to be anticipated and planned for:

In General:

These are The Medium, The Program Development Team, The Target Audience & Problems both primary and secondary, The Program Goals and Anticipated Benefits from this Program and lastly The Project Timelines.

The Medium:

This, of course is understood but we’re saying it anyway as this is the first decision that needs to be made. Is your project going to be audio, television, narrated slide set, CD, DVD, Streaming, etc.?

Program Development Team:

Who is on your project team and what are the responsibilities of each team members? This include Persons Responsible for Development, Delivery and Support such as:

*Executive Producer




Target Audience:

Identify and list your target audience and what are the targets anticipated needs and wants both current and anticipated. Once you have identified them, demonstrate, summarize, and operate.

Identify your Secondary Audience:

This would include alternate languages and list your secondary audiences. Said another way: a list of audience problems, needs, and wantsboth current and anticipated.

Program Goals:

This would be based upon the list of target audience problems, needs and wants Anticipated Benefits from this Program: What is the benefit that your target audience will receive from your dvd duplication replication project? Will they be entertained, educated, what improvement is your project going to make in their lives?


The Pre-Production Phase of this includes the Analysis of Target Audience and the Development of Program Goals and Objectives which could be broken down as: engage participants, brainstorm, develop budget, research & scripting, review of script, identification of locations for shooting and the securing of clearances. The Production Phase of timelines would then be principal Videography/Photography, graphics/animation, narration recording, and music recording/selection

The Electron Microscopes Does Have Disadvantages

The world has come a long way from the first light microscopes that were used, and one type of microscope for research that is very popular is that of the electron microscopes. Researchers all over the world use these highly technical scopes on a daily basis to find worlds that were unheard of until today's high tech world made them possible. However, issues plague these microscopes for research purposes, and one should definitely take the time to answer a few questions before they invest in one.

The first major issue with an electron microscope is that it is very expensive. The reason for this is simply because of the voltage that is required in order to operate these microscopes.

Light microscopy and the microscopes that are used with it are great for the average hobbyist, but the electron microscope is not for those people. These expensive magnifying tools can run into the thousands of dollars for the initial cost and the electricity bill will be outrageous in the end.

Another major disadvantage of the electron microscopes is that the microscope images have to be viewed in a vacuum. The specimens also require extensive preparation in order for them to be looked at under this microscope.

However, the images are amazing and can be viewed in a three dimensional image with a scanning electron microscope. The environmental scanning electron microscope is the only exception in the electron microscope category that does not have to view the samples in a vacuum. These images should be seen in a low pressure, wet environment.

Electron microscopes can prove to be a huge asset to many research labs across the world. However, if one does not have the correct funding or time to work these amazing devices, then one can have a hard time explaining why they actually needed one of these instruments.

The images that can be produced from these microscopes can be truly awe inspiring for a scientist, but the actual advantages can be overshadowed by the disadvantages that these scopes offer. One should definitely learn all they can about the electron microscope before investing hard earned research grant money into the purchase of one.

What Is Structured Cabling For Computer LAN Networks?

:: What is structured cabling?

Modern computer LAN (local area network) wiring has the concept of structured cabling.

With today's high speed networks, people realize that the networking system must be broken up into shorter chunks that allow workstation wiring to be concentrated, with each cable length short enough to support the high data rate.

Based on aforementioned reasons, structured wiring standard has been developed to help define a computer wiring system that stays within the maximum wiring distance for various LAN topologies. For example, the horizontal cable wiring length is 100 meters for 100BaseT networks.

:: What do we do to observe the 100 meters wiring standard?

In order to achieve the wiring concentration standard, telecommunication rooms (wiring centers) are placed at planned locations in a building. These telecom rooms are then interconnected to provide the total network connectivity for the building.

This can be explained in a three stories building. At one same corner of each floor, a telecom rooms is constructed; these telecom rooms are then connected by backbone wiring (cables run vertically through the floors and link all telecom rooms together).

On each floor, a telecom room concentrates all workstation cables for that floor. Each workstation has a wall mounted jack. The network cable is terminated at that jack and runs directly to the telecom room. The cable may run in wire trays or conduit, or be draped over supports such as a drop ceiling. For larger floors, more than one telecom room may be needed.

:: Horizontal Cabling

The horizontal wires, which run from workstations on the same floor to the telecom room, are then terminated on punchdown termination, or directly onto a patch panel. The punchdown terminations or patch panels could be rack mounted (19" or 23" racks), cabinet mounted or wall mounted.

In the telecom room, network equipment such as a hub or switch is connected to each station cable, which electrically terminates the cable run. The hub or switch then passes the computer signal on to other work stations or servers, or even to other telecom rooms for ultimate connectivity with the entire network.

:: Vertical Cabling (Backbone Cabling)

Telecom rooms on each floor are then connected together by backbone cabling (also called vertical cabling for floor to floor connections). These backbone cablings typically are done from floor to floor to floor.

Usually telecom rooms should be located directly above one another in order to minimize the cable runs length, but this also varies from building to building.

With the emerge of Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, fiber optic cable is the most appropriate choice for backbone cabling since they provide much higher bandwidth than traditional Cat5, Cat6 or even Cat7 twisted pair copper cables. Another advantage of fiber is that fibers can run much longer distance than copper cable, which makes them especially attractive for backbone cabling.

:: The difference between backbone cabling and horizontal cabling

Since backbone cabling typically passes through from floor to floor, the cables used for backbone cabling have very different requirement than the horizontal cablings.

1. Fire ratings. Backbone cables must have standard imposed fire rating specifications. Typically this is OFNR (Optical Fiber Non-Conductive Riser) rated. If the backbone cable passes through plenum area (spaces in the building used for air return in air conditioning), the cable must be OFNP (Optical Fiber Non-conductive Plenum) rated.

2. Physical securing. Physical securing for vertical riser cables is also different than horizontal cables. So is the cable strength, since vertical riser cables need to have enough strength to support its own weight.

The Benefits Of MS Exchange Server 2007

For today's businesses, e-mail is perhaps the most important communication method in use. An increased reliance on e-mail has drastically increased the volume of messages sent, even increasing the rate of business itself. Today's employee seeks efficient and remote access to online calendars, contacts, and email, regardless of what type of device they're using. Exchange Server 2007 from Microsoft was designed specifically to address the needs of a messaging system. Exchange Server's new capabilities provide improved protection, access and efficiency.

The IT professional's task is that of providing a messaging system that satisfies needs while remaining balanced in security and cost. As e-mail volume increases, security requirements become more challenging. IT staff must counter a multitude of security threats, including spam, viruses, noncompliance risks, and email security. Although security is a high-ranking priority, staff must always work within the constraints of time, money and resources. This causes IT to look for a system that will satisfy the requirements of the business, yet is cost-effectively managed and deployed.

Exchange Server 2007 provides protection, built-in. This reduces spam and viruses while enabling private communications and helping attain compliance.

* Smooth flow of communications with enterprise-class availability and reliability

* Protects data and users from destructive viruses and spam

* Secure communications are provided automatically within the company

With Anywhere access, employees can get to their e-mail, calendar, voice mail and contacts from a variety of clients and devices. Anywhere access requires an Internet connection; Outlook Voice Access requires a telephone connection.

* Improved collaboration, making it easier to find and share documents, schedules and data

* Employees are provided with a single inbox for e-mail, voice and fax messages

* Overall productivity is improved with a staff able to respond from work, home, or the road

* Quick and seamless delivery of an Outlook-style experience from a variety of devices

Better efficiency is made possible by networking features and optimization hardware, helping administration staff.

* Exchange Server data easily integrated with Exchange Web Services

* Efficient deployment with automatic client connections, roles-based architecture, and better diagnostics and monitoring

* Delivery of powerful x64 bandwidth optimization and computing

* Improved ability for administrators to find and fix problems, as well as task automation

Exchange Server offers benefits and capabilities to a broad range of clients. In addition, it supports the Outlook experience. MS Exchange Server 2007 can be integrated with Windows SharePoint Services and other Office applications and third-party systems and devices.