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Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Turn on JavaScript

JavaScript is necessary in gaining access to a lot of features in the web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. Turning on JavaScript makes online surfing more enjoyable and fruitful. Because it is an essential part of most websites, one must be knowledgeable on how to turn on JavaScript.

Here are the steps on how to turn on JavaScript on some popular web browsers at present:

Turn on JavaScript for Microsoft's Internet Explorer
1. Open the web browser for Internet Explorer.
2. Select "Tools" in the menu bar which is at the top of the screen.
3. Choose and click the tab marked "Security."
4. Below the box, choose and click "Custom Level."
5. Scroll down until one comes across "Scripting."
6. Look for the area labeled "Active Scripting" and choose "Enable."
7. Click OK. Now JavaScript is turned on.

Turn on JavaScript for Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the web browser for Mozilla Firefox.
2. Select "Tools" in the menu bar which is at the top of the screen.
3. Choose the tab marked as "Content."
4. Click the box to leave a check mark to the option "Enable JavaScript."
5. Click OK. Now JavaScript is turned on.

Turn on JavaScript for Apple Safari
1. Open the web browser for Apple Safari.
2. Select "Preferences" in the menu bar which is at the top of the screen.
3. Choose and click the tab marked "Advanced."
4. Choose and click the tab marked "Scripts & Plug-ins."
5. Click the box to leave a check mark to the option "Enable JavaScript."
6. Click OK. Now JavaScript is turned on.

Error messages appears on screen sometimes whether JavaScript is turned on or off for the web browser. If JavaScript elements failed to run even if the steps above were strictly followed, it is most probably due to the disabling feature of the computer's firewall settings or its security software.

Go and check the computer's firewall settings and security software. Visit their Help menus to get assistance on how to disable the blocking of JavaScript.

Remember also to always download the latest patches for the web browser. In case the browser is being upgraded, always read first the readme.txt and "Help" menu. These might contain essential information.

The internet connection might as well affect the performance of the web browser and JavaScript's elements. A slow connection could hinder the loading of a web page and might result in popping error messages.

There are also suspicious scripts that can damage the web browser's performance. Be cautious in going to untrusted websites especially websites that allows the downloading of pirated software products. It is necessary to keep the computer's anti-virus software updated.

If one knows how to turn on JavaScript, web browsing activities would be much smoother and easier. Keep in mind that all scripts would run without a problem if the computer's programs are updated.

Remembering the Old Days and Internet Access

Do you remember the days when internet access was hard to come up with or one out of every ten homes had internet access? Or being at school and having to go to the encyclopedia in the library to get the information, because there wasn't such thing as internet? Then there was the thing that if someone had internet it was dial up and it was slow as molasses. Then you would go to the office and it was a little faster.

It was normal to wait for awhile to download any kind of website. Now if you are a teenager or in your early twenties, you might not remember these days, but for anyone older than that you can remember these times.
Not only do we remember those times, but then the option of getting the internet was that it had to be hooked up to a phone line. We couldn't pick up our laptops and go from location to location and still have internet at our fingertips.

Now, if a website doesn't pull up in a split second we are wondering what the problem is. We want everything much quicker and it is all at the access of our fingertips. That is the luxury of high speed internet access. We are able to save so much time and money due to the speed of high speed internet. We are able to be more profitable and efficient in what we are doing. Now the opportunities are endless and we can all turn to the internet for our information and our businesses. We can communicate with our friends and family through blogs and social networks. What a blessing high speed internet access is in our lives.

Optimize Your Business With Quickbooks

Very small businesses with 4 or less employees can get by without even using Quickbooks, but once you are larger than that it becomes more and more effective to use Quickbooks. One of the best ways to maximize Quickbooks is to write all of your checks from Quickbooks.

All you need is Quickbooks pro 2007 or newer or Quickbooks simple start which is free. Excel, Open Office Calc, or the free Google docs spreadsheet. Also computer checks which you can order from a variety of different companies.

The trick if you are going to maximize quick books is to write all of your checks using Quickbooks otherwise you will have double the work. Hand writing checks is a very tedious and time consuming process. To set up your vendors just click on vendor center. Then click on new vendor and enter vendor name and then enter opening balance and enter the date in the as of date field or just use the calendar option to select date. Now enter all address info then click on additional info tab and enter account number and select type then terms if any and tax ID then click next to enter the next vendor.

To write checks from Quickbooks just click the home button and go to the Banking area to the right and click on write checks. Select Bank account to write checks from then begin typing the name of the vendor, usually just one letter is all that is needed as all vendors that begin with that letter will appear so just select the one you want. Enter the amount then select date and select check number from the first computer check that you will be using. Hit tab after entering amount and it will automatically enter the written number onto the check. The check will automatically go into the correct expense account if you have entered your vendor information correctly. Now click to be printed to print later or print as you go if you like. Then click save and new to write the next check or if you are done you can select save and close. It is usually easier to enter all of your vendor checks before printing them.

To print checks from Quickbooks just click the home button and go to the Banking area to the right and click on print checks. Select Bank account to print checks from. At this time all of the checks that you created should show up so you can now print or deselect any that you don't want to print. Make sure to enter the number of the first check to print. Then make sure to count out the checks to be placed in the printer then place them in the printer making sure to place them either face up or face down per you printer instructions and also make sure you know what is top and what is bottom. then click ok and select the type of check to print. For vendors it will not usually be the voucher style but the standard form. Don't worry if it does not print correctly you can reprint them.

For tracking sales commissions it is usually easier to use a spreadsheet especially if you have multiple sales commissions per sale. You can download Openoffice for free or you can use the Google documents spreadsheet for free. The advantage of the Google spreadsheet is that you can share it with particular individuals and don't have to worry about e-mailing or losing files you have saved type of problems. Also multiple people can be entering information on the same spreadsheet. Happy Bookkeeping!

Why QWERTY is Invented

The QWERTY keyboard is invented in the early 1870's. The man behind this great invention is Christopher Sholes, who was an editor and also a printer. Through trial and error he perfected his invention and overall it has taken him six years in order to finally create the perfect type writer. In 1878, a patent is created for a type writer. It was a drawing of a type writer that specifies how the letters and alphabets are located.

These days there are way too many alternatives to the excellent QWERTY. We have Maltron keyboard, Dvorak Simplified Keyboard and many more. These alternatives might not be better while some of them might be similar in many ways.

QWERTY is used widely for mobile phones these days. This is a very good act considering the fact that most mobile phones act as a mini laptop as well. With features such as emails and instant messages, we could use a QWERTY keyboard to speed things up. Imagine having to type using the conventional keypads, which would take up more time when composing emails or instant messages.

Unlike SMS, instant messages such as Yahoo Messenger is much easier to use with QWERTY. Besides emails, we would also be using QWERTY in mobile browsing. Imagine browsing different blogs or websites and having to type slowly when we are searching for something important. With this cool invention, we can speed everything. It is all about convenience. It would be much better to have QWERTY keypads on mobile phones that offer emails and instant messaging features.

The invention of QWERTY is indeed the most important for laptops, computers and mobile phones. Thanks to this great invention, we can surf the internet much better on mobile phones. No matter where you are, QWERTY is part of our life. Therefore, why not learn to use it and love it?