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Saturday, August 30, 2008

How to Draw a Graph Using Excel

Microsoft Excel has got a great feature called Charts. Charts help us to draw graphs based on a given data. This is an excellent tool to convert your data into graph within no time. Visualize a scenario, wherein you are asked to draw a graph on sales made during different quarters by your company. Let us do this task right away.

Open your Excel program. Input Quarter names in one column (say A1). This is going to be our X-axis in our graph. The next column should be filled with the sales figures corresponding to each quarter you entered in the first column. This column is our Y-Axis. Your basic data is now ready to be drawn. All you have to do is to select the entire region of data and click on the chart wizard icon provided in the menu toolbar.

The first step in the wizard is to provide the type of graph we want to plot. Choose a type of graph. For this example, let us choose Bar graph. The subsequent steps are for further customization of the graph. You can try out different customizations to make your graph better and eye appealing. These steps will ask you to provide a Chart Title, Name for Category X,Y whether you require grid lines in your graph etc. Once you are done with customization, click finish and your chart is drawn.

There are other types of chart types, which are pie, line, area, doughnut etc. These charts can be chosen according to the type of data you want to draw.


10 Ways Technology Makes it Difficult to Enjoy the Olympics

I almost always consider technology an improvement to my life. But sometimes it can be downright annoying.

Take the Olympics for example. Because of the time difference between Indianapolis and Beijing, many of the events have already been completed before they air on the U.S. networks. 20 years ago, this wasn't a big deal. You just made sure you didn't watch the news so that you could pretend any event you were watching was actually live.
Fast forward to 2008. In order to not get the results spoiled for any event I am interested in watching I have to ignore the following:

1. My iGoogle home page which features top breaking news stories like Michael Phelps breaking a world record and winning another gold medal
2. Email news alerts from, daily morning news summaries and casual emails from friends who just happen to mention "I can't believe the U.S. won the gold in the [insert event name here] event!" just after talking about what their plans are for the upcoming weekend
3. Social network postings from any of my friends on MySpace, Facebook, Plaxo, FriendFeed and half a dozen others
4. Micro-blog updates from my Twitter friends on the web or in my TweetDeck client
5. Text messages on my mobile phone, including automatic updates from my closest Twitter friends (see above)
6. Instant messages from friends on Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo and Google Chat
7. RSS feeds in my Google Reader laden with Olympic event spoilers
8. Desktop widgets on my computer always displaying the latest news coverage or most popular Digg items
9. News on any television network not broadcasting Olympic coverage
10. Face to face or telephone conversations with anyone not doing any of the above

I'm a die-hard techie. What do you think the odds are that I can ignore the above list during live Olympic events for the next two weeks?


Friday, August 29, 2008

How to Learn Computer From Home in Just 5 Days

Basic computer terms are very necessary in these days to be known. Computer has become a large source of information in the form of Internet so anyone can use it to get his or her required material that is free of cost. It is the computer that helps to be in touch with the latest research and happenings in the world. There are many basic computer lessons and computer tutorials available on Internet, CDs and DVDs to help the beginners.

These basic computer lessons and tutorials are very helpful for those who don't have prior knowledge of computer or have little bit knowledge of it. One can plan and manage his / her computer learning program according to his / her routine of life. An individual can get basic computer tutorials easily to make his or her learning process effective and efficient. An individual can learn basic computer terms in just five days by reading and practicing according to the available basic computer lessons and tutorials.

In day one, the learner should know brief history of computer, the name and usage of computer hardware such as CPU, Monitor, and Hard disc, RAM, Keyboard and Mouse etc. He should read computer tutorials and lessons in detail to learn computer terms. He should be able to power on or power off a computer without any difficulty.

In day two, one should read the basic computer lessons in which operating systems are discussed. One should not go in detail but a brief knowledge is enough along with the knowledge of folders, icons, filenames, cut, copy, paste and some basic operations on file and folder options.
In day three, the use of some common utility programs should be learnt such as WinZip, Paint, Word Pad, Notepad, Word Processor and Windows Media Player etc. An individual can find brief introduction of such programs in basic computer lessons and tutorial.

In day four, one should read some advance computer tutorials to strengthen the knowledge of his or her computer terms. He or she should learn text formatting, table, cut, copy, paste and spelling checking, find and replace options. He should also read some basic computer lessons to get theoretical knowledge about programming.

In the fifth and final day, one should learn printing, scanning and practice it. Some knowledge about printers, cartridges and scanners can be obtained from basic computer lessons. Then one should get basic concepts of LAN, WAN, DSL, and dial-up connections and web browsing etc.
Computer tutorials about these topics are very helpful in learning computer terms that are very useful for an individual. Knowledge of computer terms enables an individual to understand the basic computer lessons, journals and articles easily.


How to Learn Computer Fast

Computer has become very important in our life in this world of science and technology. It is not only beneficial for computer professionals but home users also use it for various purposes. So people should know computer basics to utilize it efficiently and effectively. Students, educated persons and even aged ones should learn computer fast because it can help them in a variety of ways.

It has become so common that every one even kids know basics of the computer. They know the physical parts i.e. the name of hardware devices of the computer. It is easy to learn names of these parts if they don't know in advance. If individuals have prior knowledge of computer basics then they can learn computer fast. Although it was not much common in old age but now aged ones are also familiar with it because they see their sons are working on it very comfortably.

In order to learn computer fast an individual should plan properly and lecture division should be done carefully. There are some steps that one should follow to learn computer fast. He or she should divide the learning process in different phases. All the phases are described below in detail:
In first day or in first phase one should know the basic parts of computer such as Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, CPU, Camera, Microphone, Floppy drives, Compact and Hard disc drives.

In the second day the learner should know about operating systems, icons, desktop, cut, copy, paste and some other basic functions to learn computer fast.

In third day one should try to learn the usage of some necessary software such as WinZip, Microsoft Paint, Notepad, DOS and Word Processors etc.

After the first three phases one has got some idea about computer basics so he or she should try to learn some advance things such as bold, italics, formatting of text, spelling checking, FrontPage and HTML pages.

In fifth phase one should learn about spreadsheets, tables, constants, loops, compilers, languages and some theoretical knowledge of programming. After learning these computer basics one should know about the printer, scanners and print cartridges etc. They should know how to feed paper and get print from Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel and other computer programs.
In the last phase one should know how to make dial-up connection, how to browse Internet, what is ISP and some concepts of LAN and WAN.

Knowledge of all the above things can help you to learn computer fast and have strong computer basics. Once you have got basic computer knowledge then with the passage of time and usage of computer you will learn great knowledge. One can change speed of learning computer according to his or her pace because it depends a lot on an individuals' ability to learn. One can learn computer basics through many resources including Internet, CDs and DVDs.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

VTY Passwords - Are They Required and How to You Configure Them?

Here are two questions that a lot of new Cisco Engineers struggle with.

Are passwords required on vty lines?

How do you configure vty passwords?

Here we look at 4 options:
Line passwords
Local username passwords
No login
In this article I cover options 1 and 2, and in my next article I cover options 3 & 4. By default, when you telnet to the vty line of a router or switch, you will see the following output:

Password required, but none set
[Connection to closed by foreign host]

The router/switch will drop your connection as a password is required for access to the router/switch. So by default you can see that a password is required to telnet to the vty lines of a router or switch.

Line passwords:
A password can be used on the line for access. This is easy to setup as there is only one password, but it not very secure because everyone shares that single password and it is difficult to track who has made changes.

This is configured as follows:
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
% Login disabled on line 2, until 'password' is set

% Login disabled on line 3, until 'password' is set

% Login disabled on line 4, until 'password' is set

% Login disabled on line 5, until 'password' is set

% Login disabled on line 6, until 'password' is set

Router(config-line)#password cisco
When a telnet connection is now made to the router, the router will prompt for a password:

User Access Verification
Enter your password and you are now in user mode:


Local usernames:

This is better than using a line password as different users have their own individual passwords. Each use is required to enter their own passwords rather than using a shared password. This helps with logging which user has made changes to the router.

Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#username david password cisco

Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router-2(config-line)#login local
User Access Verification
Enter your password and you are now in user mode:

It is better to use usernames, rather than line passwords for added security. However based on your requirements you may need to know either option. In the next article we cover using no passwords at all and using AAA servers.


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IPv6 Training (Cisco) Enabling SSH on a Cisco IPv6 Router

Secure Shell or "SSH" is an Application layer protocol that uses a secure channel; the secure channel ensures that the data being exchanged between two IP devices is totally secure (encrypted).

A Cisco IPv6 router can either act like a SSH server or a SSH client. When a Cisco IPv6 router is acting like a SSH server, it allows a SSH client (IP device) to make a secure, encrypted connection to the Cisco router; and when a Cisco IPv6 router is acting like a SSH client, it is able to make a secure, encrypted connection to another Cisco router or to any other IP device running as a SSH server.

Now, before you can enable Secure Shell or "SSH" on a Cisco IPv6 router, the router must meet certain requirements and those requirements are:

* The router must be imaged with either an IPsec Data Encryption Standard (DES) or a Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) encryption software image.
* It should be running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(3)T or higher.
* It should be configured with a host name (by using the global configuration command hostname) and a host domain (by using the global configuration command ip domain-name).
* It should already have a Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key pair generated. The RSA key pair is used to automatically enable SSH on the router; to generate a RSA key pair use the "crypto key generate rsa" global configuration command.
* It should already have a user authentication mechanism configured for local or remote access. Currently, with SSH over an IPv6 transport; the only user authentication mechanism supported, is locally stored usernames and passwords. The TACACS+ and RADIUS user authentication mechanisms are not supported over an IPv6 transport. But, if you are in an IPv6 network environment and would like to have either TACACS+ or RADIUS authenticate SSH clients; you must configure TACACS+ or RADIUS over an IPv4 transport and then connect to an SSH server over an IPv6 transport.

Here are the steps to enable SSH (SSH server) on an IPv6 router:

1. Router>enable
2. Router#configure terminal
3. Router(config)#ip ssh [timeout seconds | authentication-retries integer]
4. Router(config)#exit
5. Router#copy run start

Steps Explained

Step #1

1. Router>enable

Puts router into Privileged EXEC mode.

Step #2

2. Router#configure terminal

Puts router into Global configuration mode.

Step #3

3. Router(config)#ip ssh timeout 100 authentication-retries 2

Configures the SSH (server) control variables on the router.

Step #4

4. Router(config)#exit

Causes router to exit global configuration mode and re-enters into Privileged EXEC mode.

Step #5

5. Router#copy run start

Saves the contents of the running-config to local Non -Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM).

Below are the steps that allow a Cisco IPv6 router that is acting like a SSH client to initiate an encrypted SSH session with a remote networking device.

Router#ssh [-v {1 | 2}] [-c {3des | aes128-cbc | aes192-cbc | aes256-cbc}] [-l userid | -l userid:{number}{ip-address} | -l userid:rotary{number} {ip-address}] [-m {hmac-md5 | hmac-md5-96 | hmac-sha1 | hmac-sha1-96}] [-o numberofpasswordprompts n] [-p port-num] {ip-addr | hostname} [command]

Steps Explained

Step #1

1. Router>enable

Puts router into Privileged EXEC mode.

Step #2

2. Router#ssh

Initiates an encrypted session with a remote networking device.

I invite you to visit my website were you'll find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and Implementation Techniques.

To your success,


Instructions on How to Install Fonts

Known as the typefaces that add attractions to computer screens, fonts can come in various styles and shapes. Arial, Comic Sans and Times New Roman are some of the famous fonts that people commonly use although with the creative people on the Internet there are many more fonts now available.

The instructions for installing fonts in computers are very easy to follow. With the use of Microsoft Windows operating systems, computer users will not have a hard time downloading and installing the attractive fonts that they want to have in their computers.

Don't worry, these instructions are not hard and you don't have to be a computer expert to ensure that you will have a wide variety of fonts available for all your typing or graphic needs.

For those who wish to install new fonts on their computers, it is best to follow these simple instructions.

Minimum Requirements to Successfully Install Fonts

Before computer users can efficiently install fonts on their computers, it is important to know the minimum system requirements for a specific type of font that they want to install. OpenType fonts are only suitable for computers that have more advanced operating systems like Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows XP. On the other hand, TrueType fonts are suitable in all operating systems of Microsoft Windows.

Step By Step Guide on Installing Fonts

First, computer users cannot install fonts in their computers without downloading the specific type of font that they wish to have. They can download different attractive fonts through the Internet or other computer software. In addition, they should remember that they could not download fonts if the operating system of their computers is not Microsoft Windows.

Second, click the Start Menu button on the lower right side of their computer screens. For those who use Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows XP, select the Control Panel at the Start Menu and then click Appearance and Theme. Upon selecting Appearance and Theme, choose Fonts and then click Install New Fonts. Meanwhile, for computers that use Microsoft Windows 2000, double click the icon Fonts and select the drive and folder where they saved the font or fonts that they have downloaded.

To complete the installation of the font, all computer users need to do is to click the specific font that they want to add in their computers. For those who like to install several luring fonts, they need to hold the button with CTRL label while they select or choose the fonts that they want to add.

Installing fonts in computers that have Microsoft Windows operating systems is not complicated. By following these instructions, computer users need not to spend more time in front of their computers just figuring out how they can add or install new fonts. Fonts add beauty to computers since they enhance the shape and style of characters that users see on their computer screens. Hence, it is best that they regularly update the fonts that they have in their computer systems.


I Got a Burn Notice But I Don't Feel Burned

I encountered my first challenge with my new cable-less, satellite-less, antenna only television setup. Burn Notice, a show that airs on the USA Network, kicked off its second season. The challenge was that I got hooked on the first season of Burn Notice but no longer received the USA Network. Worse yet, by the time I realized the second season had started, three new episodes of Burn Notice had already aired.

I panicked for a moment but then realized I had the Amazon Unbox service in my back pocket (not literally). I jumped over to the Amazon Unbox web site and did a quick search for Burn Notice. Sure enough, Amazon Unbox showed that three episodes were available for purchase and/or download.

Every episode without lifting a finger

Rather than purchasing three separate episodes of Burn Notice via Amazon Unbox I decided to instead go with the TV Pass. The TV Pass ensures that I will get every episode of Burn Notice all season long without having to lift a finger. And, although I'm not going to retire on the savings, buying a TV Pass instead of individual episodes saved me $0.10 per episode ($1.89 per episode with TV Pass vs. $1.99 per episode individually).

There is one trick to purchasing a TV Pass though. You have to have's 1-click settings enabled. This is because with a TV Pass you don't get charged for the full season upfront. You still get charged per episode (at the discounted rate) as each episode becomes available. And because you don't have physically purchase each episode when it becomes available, relies on your 1-click settings for each subsequent charge. I actually think this is an advantage over paying upfront just because if something goes wrong with the process at least you haven't paid for any episodes you haven't received.

Watch on your television not your computer

Once I completed purchasing the TV Pass the rest was pure magic. A few hours later, I turned on my television and discovered that all three episodes I had missed were already waiting on my TiVo Now Playing List. That's a real selling point for me. I was able to purchase the show on my computer but it downloaded straight to my TiVo. I'll take watching a show on my television over my computer any day.

There was only one thing left to check. When the 4th episode became available would the TV Pass, 1-click, automatic download really take care of everything for me? Absolutely. I'm happy to say it worked like a charm. In fact, I might even go as far as to say that this process is better than recording it yourself. The only downside is having to pay for it. But the upside is not having to remember to record the show or worrying about bad reception. And did I mention that the downloaded shows have no commercials?

So onward I march still happy with my antenna-only, TiVo solution. But wait, did someone say the NFL season was about to kick off? Uh-oh.


Cisco 6509 Enhanced

Recently I was on a project to upgrade our current Cisco 6509 core switches and came across some new changes to the Cisco 6509 chassis. The switches that were being upgraded were just doing basic switching duties, populated with Sup II's in Slot 1 and primarily had 10/100/1000 switching module scattered throughout.

The plan was to upgrade these switches to Sup 720's and add a couple more 10/100/1000 blades. My initial thoughts were that we would need to upgrade the fan tray and most likely the power supplies too. The current power was provided by a pair of 2500W power supplies and due to the increased power requirement for a fully loaded chassis and the newer supervisor card we would most definitely need bigger power supplies.

I had priced newer power supplies and found that 4000W or 6000W power were both about the same price. Since 6000w was about the same as the 4000W lets get the bigger power! But to my surprise the current chassis would not take the 6000W power. We needed the 6509-E chassis for these big boys.

Cisco 6509-E

It seems the Cisco elves have been hard at work keeping up with the demand for power over Ethernet (PoE) for their VoIP line as well as the many other power demands put on it by the Cisco ACE load balancing system, FWSM, IDS, etc that the internal power couldn't handle it. So they came out with the 6509-E.

From Cisco's website:

The Cisco Catalyst 6509-E supports both Cisco Catalyst OS and Cisco IOS Software. It also supports up to a 6000W power supply, thus providing the ability to support large numbers of IEEE 802.3af PoE devices.

The Cisco Catalyst 6509-E provides maximum up time with redundancy and rapid (1 to 3 seconds) stateful failover across supervisor engines. It supports modular Cisco IOS Software to minimize unplanned downtime through self-healing processes and simplifies software changes through subsystem in-service software upgrades.

The Cisco Catalyst 6509-E Firewall Security System is a 9-slot model providing an easily deployed solution that integrates a Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Supervisor Engine 720 (with integrated policy and multilayer switch feature cards [PFC3/MSFC3] for system control, routing services, and dual Gigabit Ethernet ports); a Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Firewall Services Module providing 5 Gbps of firewall services; and 7 additional open slots for further customization.

Well needless to say I wasn't too happy that I would need to upgrade the entire chassis. Luckily I found out that I would need to upgrade the power after all. The chassis configured with only switches modules and one sup720 sufficient for the 2500W power even if one were to die, the remaining 2500W power supply would handle it.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Looking For Info About Bulk DVD Replication?

These days business cards alone may not be satisfactory to keep your company in the minds of potential customers. A good strategy is to create custom DVDs which showcase you or your business's goods and services. Why not make short videos demonstrating your product or showing off your facility? If you are a software company that gives free trials of your programs you should consider investing in bulk DVD replication.

It would certainly be a waste of your valuable employee's time for them to continually replicate your sample DVDs with consumer DVD burners. You could outsource the manufacturing of your DVDs to a company which specializes in bulk DVD replication. But, with the proper equipment not being exceedingly expensive or time consuming why not do it in-house and cut out the middle man? Companies like the Taiwanese ACARD Technologies offer DVD Duplicators and Replicators capable of producing as many as 21 or 30 DVDs at a time.

Remember these are going to be your business cards. A plain vanilla DVD-R that looks like a bootleg mix of pirated music your intern listens to is not going to be that impressive. New products such as the "Labelflash" DVD discs offered by Fujifilm offer you the ability to burn images onto the top of the DVD and thus make it more eye catching. Of course, these require more expensive devices to produce. Another option is to produce labels or envelopes for your DVDs which will stand out and get noticed.

Bulk DVD Replication is going to require an investment of both time and money on your part, but the rewards may be well worth it. A well thought out and organized campaign of DVD distribution could reap far greater return than an extensive traditional marketing campaign. Depending on the size of your business it may be logical to even dedicate an entire position the company to the creation, manufacture, and distribution of these DVDs.

So how should you distribute them? Bulk DVD Replication is only good if you have the means to efficiently distribute the finished product. As mentioned before, offering them in place of a traditional business card is a start. Mass mailing is, of course, another option. If your business deals directly with consumers you might also set up a display in your place of business and include incentives for them to take one. Incentives could include: free wallpaper, tips on your product, or interesting facts. The possibilities are endless.


Issues to Be Raised When Interviewing Nanny Applicants (With a Little Help From a Hidden Nanny Cam)

Like any other employer, the interview portion of the hiring process is very important. You can gauge the nanny's personality and professionalism with a comprehensive interview, which will play a significant role in your final decision. With a little help from your hidden nanny cam, you can replay the interview to reinforce or reject your initial choice. Here are the basic issues you need to raise.

Education and Work Experience

Usually, a more experienced and educated nanny should be preferred especially when her work experience indicates that she stayed with one family for an extended period. However, you will still need to ask questions like:

- Most significant achievements and recognitions as a nanny
- Likes and dislikes, joy and disappointments in her nanny jobs
- Duties and responsibilities in past employments
- Reasons and trainings for becoming a nanny

You can even ask her about her experience with a hidden nanny cam, her position about its presence, and how she dealt with it. This way, you will know if you will have problems in this area.

Child Care Philosophy and Ideas

These are very important issues to discuss since you will be entrusting her with your children, even in places with no hidden nanny cam. You want to make sure that you are on the same wavelength.

- Disciplinary methods
- Teaching of good manners, healthy eating habits and personal hygiene
- Stimulation of intellectual and artistic curiosity
- Child arbitration for disagreements and crankiness

If you record the interview with her using your hidden nanny cam, you will have a reference point for future performance on this area.

Personal Interests

You have to look for a nanny who exhibits maturity and a diversity of interests, not a child lurking within a woman's body. Since even the most high-tech hidden nanny cam can follow her on her outside activities, the following questions need to be asked:

- Hobbies and Outside Interests/Activities
- Personal strengths and weaknesses
- Important things and persons in her life
- Decision-making process

Compensation Package

This is the meat of the interview. You have to be sure if you can afford the asking rate of the applicant based on the duties and responsibilities you will be initially discussing. You can discuss issues like:

- Payroll period (weekly, monthly)
- Overtime pay
- Number of paid sick and vacation days (as well as holidays)
- Health benefits and social security
- Transportation and accommodation

Miscellaneous Household Rules

You also need to discuss meals, supplies and telephone usage, as well as family visitation. This early, you need to lay down your cards about household rules you wish to be complied with. This way, you can clear out sources of possible misunderstandings. If the applicant is not agreeable to your rules, then consider other applicants.

You also need to raise the matter of functions, duties and responsibilities you expect the applicant to fulfill if and when she is hired as your nanny. The compensation package can change accordingly.

Using your hidden nanny cam, you can make a decision regarding hiring your new nanny. Even if you missed something during the interview (and you probably will), the strategically-placed spy camera will show you exactly what your missed.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

IPv6 Training (Cisco) - How to Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

I wrote this article because lately I've been receiving a lot of emails from IPv6 enthusiasts asking me the question "How do I convert Hexadecimal to Decimal without using a calculator?"

Now, although the procedure may sound hard to perform, it's rather easy to do; all you have to do is perform the following steps:


1. Locate the "last digit" of the hexadecimal number that you want to convert. (the last digit of a hexadecimal number is the digit that is farthest to the right).

2. Once, you have identified the last digit; you will then multiply the "last digit" with (16^0). In other words, in step number two; you are going to multiply the value of the "last digit" with (16 to the power of zero).

Example: "last digit value" x (16^0) = "last digit value"

Note, that the power of 0 of any number is always 1.

Once, you have performed the formula on the last digit, write down the result; and then move on to the previous digit on the (your) left.

3. Each time you move on to a previous digit, you'll need to increase the power (16^X) of the formula by 1 before performing the formula on that digit.

4. Simply perform the formula (digit value x (16^X) on all of the remaining digits until all digit results have been written down.

5. Then add (sum) all of the written down (stored) results together to get the final answer number.

Here's an example: We are converting the HEXADECIMAL number FB8 to DECIMAL(the number 8 is the "last digit")

1. 8 x (16^0) = 8
2. B x (16^1) = 176
3. F x (16^2) = 3840
4. 8 + 176 + 3840 = 4024

So, the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number FB8 is 4,024.

Here's another example: We are converting the HEXADECIMAL number 7747 to DECIMAL (the number 7 is the "last digit")

1. 7 x (16^0) = 7
2. 4 x (16^1) = 64
3. 7 x (16^2) = 1792
4. 7 x (16^3) = 28672
5. 7 + 64 + 1792 + 28672 = 30535

So, the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number 7747 is 30,535.

Below is a quick reference of the powers of 16:

16^0 = 1
16^1 = 16
16^2 = 256
16^3 = 4096
16^4 = 65536
16^5 = 1048576

I invite you to visit my website were you'll find the latest information regarding Cisco IPv6 Design and Implementation Techniques.

To your success,

Charles Ross, CCNP #CSCO10444244 is the owner of; where you'll find free comprehensive information and videos about IPv6 technology and how it works with Cisco Systems technology.

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Burglar Alarm For Car Stereo

Burglar alarm or safety alarm is an electronic device in which sensors are connected to a control unit through either a low voltage hardwire or narrow and RF signal. These are used to interact with a responsive device. The most common security sensors are the opening of a door or window that is detected via passive infrared. The new systems are predominantly hardwired and so are more economical. But the retrofits wireless system is sometimes more economical and quicker to install.

A car stereo system is one that is built exclusively for the car. The most common pieces of car stereo are radio, tape player, CD player, DVD player and even MP3 player. The main function of burglar alarm for car stereo is to put off an attempt of theft. They work by giving out a high volume sound. There are several kinds of alarms where some systems are meant to knob one single task while some are complicated multi zone systems. These concepts are also applied while making portable alarms.

The burglar alarm for car stereo is an alarm system for an automobile where an alarm circuit chip is built into the car stereo housing and connected with the stereo circuitry. The alarm system is controlled and planned by the same selector buttons and controls, which operate the car stereo when in an alarm mode. It has a set of alarm circuits that are meant for sensing alarm conditions within the car that generates alarm signals in response.

This functions on the mode selection circuit. It means the system operates interfacing with the control circuit and alarm circuit. Some of the sensors of the alarm system are disposed in conventional circuit portions of the car, such as the door, hood and trunk light circuits.

Burglar alarm for car stereo is actually an alarm system meant for automobile built into the car stereo or conventionally provided radio or tape player. This device functions both as a car stereo and car alarm system. The mode of operation depends on the user. Another product that includes a custom electronic alarm circuit chip is built into the existing car stereo system. This will benefit those people who want a security system for their car that can use the same system for the car stereo, but at a very affordable price.

We can say that the burglar alarm for car stereo came into existence because of various reasons. With the sudden rise in car theft, the owners demanded reasonably priced security system of high-tech quality for their cars. To obtain the extra security sometimes becomes an economical problem. Moreover, to install an alarm system in the car requires extra space, which most cars lack. This burglar alarm system has the answer to both questions as the space and cost problems are solved if you go for it.


Dell Online (Case Study)

Background (General Facts from Case Study)

Dell is a computer corporation recognized for manufacturing computer systems through parts assemble. In 1983, Michael Dell saw an opportunity in using IBM compatible computers for a new assembly line that can be sold to local businesses. The idea as explained by Michael Dell, in an interview with Joan Magretta[1], is that in the early days of computers' manufacturing, companies had to be able to produce every part of the system. As the industry matured, companies started to focus on single parts and to become specialized in creating items that can be assembled with other parts to prepare a computer. As a result, Dell understood that to have a competitive edge in the market, they needed to focus on activities that drive sales instead of putting capital in producing items that other manufactures are already creating.

In the 1990's, the computer market revolved around desktops, notebooks, and network servers. Dell competed with high-end machines from IBM, HP, and Compaq with a product line that provided value-priced systems for consumers and highly reliable networked systems for business. In the late 90's, around 40% of households owned a pc in the US. On the contrary, from the business side, around 80% of the companies still had old server and desktop machines. Management had to approve purchasing orders, which resulted in only 2.2% of servers' sale in comparison to the total purchases for desktop PCs in 1996.

In order for Dell to achieve $7.8 billion from sales in the late 90's, it had to skip over the traditional channels of using retail or value-added resellers (VARs) to sell directly to the consumers . The "direct-model "or as Michael Dell comments on how his new employees call it "The model" is not that all powerful system. It is simply a way for Dell to cut on the standard supply chain cycle and deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the customer. They created partnerships with several suppliers such as Sony, Intel, and others to deliver goods effectively at the time of the order to Dell's plant where the assembly took place. The delivery and shipment were outsourced through a dedicated service that also insured delivering the monitors directly from the supplier at the same time. Mr. Dell talks about how suppliers are benefiting from the fact that Dell buys more items from the suppliers keeping no inventory and only requesting faster delivery upon orders.

In 1996, Dell capitalized on the growing number of customers who are using the Internet and launched its online store at The online venture then proved to be the most appropriate sales channel that matched the supply chain direct model implemented by Dell.

In its path to compete in the market, Dell had to provide additional services such as DellPlus that enabled Dell to install commercial software packages, DellWare which provided hardware and software from other vendors, and after sales and on-site support services. These actions, as described by Michael Dell, required establishing more partnerships, which Mr. Dell describes as a process of "trial and error". The integration with partners was changing as the technology is evolving and many venders go volatile while others remain sold. Furthermore, looking for an IT company to build the online store brought in very few players, which made Dell accept the overhead of developing the portal in-house.

Enterprise Architecture Issues

* Supply Chain Management: The purchase and number of transactions that Dell took in required a properly configured and concise business process.
* In-sourcing: To meet the demand of the market some parts of the process required the services of other companies that can be in partner with Dell.
* Quality Assurance: The computer industry is a very dynamic one, which makes quality products stand out when faced with technology-oriented consumers.
* Business Automation: As Dell advanced into online markets, its sales staff feared from losing their jobs in favor of automated sales transactions.
* Dynamic Industry: The technology industry requires closely monitoring consumers' trend to maintain a low gap between the point of demand and the point of supply.


Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) aims at integrating all corporate activities to improve relationships at all levels (internal operations, supplier networks, and distribution channel) to meet the competitive edge and satisfy the customer (Al-Mashari and Zairi 2000)[2]. In order to build an effective and complete business process that supports SCM, information among all business partners need to be shared. Information sharing through the Internet reduce the gap for business-to-business (B2B) commerce by enabling seamless integration with enterprise processes among partner corporations (Archer 2006)[3].

Dell developed its internal business process by creating production cells that start assembly at the point of order. It also established an internal information system to make the details of the products under production electronically available to all parties within the chain. To manage the supply of computer parts, Dell maintained close relationships with their suppliers and logistics providers to make their vendors manage the inventory system while Dell focused on product assembly (Kumar and Craig 2007)[4]. In addition, Dell used enterprise technology to make their database and methodologies available to the supplier to understand how Dell works. On the consumer side, orders made through the phone or online through produced a tracking code that the consumer can use to track the status of his or her order at any time through the phone or on Dell's website.

In sourcing

Organizations worldwide are benefiting from the specialized services offered by various companies. In the shipping and transport arena, companies Like UPS (United Parcel Service) and DHL stand out as masters in their industry. UPS and DHL have established offices and transportation vehicles all across the world. They provide business services through in-sourcing which enables them to be part of the internal business process of companies (Marcum 2007)[5]. To a company like Toshiba for example, after-sales support service would require shipping the damaged computer to and from the consumer's side. For that, UPS would say, "Look, instead of us picking up the machine from your customers, bringing it to our hub, then flying it from our hub to your repair facility and then flying it back to our hub and then from our hub to your customer's house, let's cut out all the middle steps. We, UPS, will pick it up, repair it, and send it right to your customer" (Friedman 2006)[6].

Dell understands that it need not compete unless it would get the advantage in the market. Michael Dell says that one should evaluate the competition field and pick the best one. In that context, after-sales services were contracted with firms who are specialized in that field and can be contacted directly through the integrated supply system to fulfill the requests of the consumers. Furthermore, shipping is handled through multiple shippers to deliver systems to consumers or to resellers across the world. In addition, Dell has saved the overhead cost of monitors' delivery by requesting shippers to deliver from the monitor's supplier directly to the consumer at the same time.

Quality Assurance

In a competitive arena, companies seek to have an advantage through means that are not necessarily related to price. Constraints against outsourcing due to excessive decentralization within organizations can have a negative impact on the value chain process. Combing various options and being open to diversification would support in increasing the speed-to-market and enhancing the quality of products (Ernst 2000)[7].

Dell has an operational facility in Penang Malaysia, which places Dell at a central position near to where most suppliers actually have their factories. Orders for goods come directly to Penang center through the integrated suppliers' logistic centers (SLCs) chain[8]. The Penang center sends emails to suppliers requesting the parts that will be assembled based on the customer's order. The entire model was efficient enough to require no more than 36 hours from order to shipping. In terms of quality of service, Dell has won numerous awards for highest quality. In spite of that, it continues to find means to increase the efficiency of its products. Michael Dell suggested that reducing the human interaction with hard drives during assembly would decrease its failure rate. As a result, the reduction of the number of "touches" dropped the failure rate to 20%.

Business Automation

The general attitude from individuals and employees within organizations is that automation through information systems complicate their internal processes, and might result in cutting down the number of staff (Khatibi, V.Thyagarajan and Seetharaman 2003)[9]. There are several psychological and behavioral problems associated with reluctance to change, which appear to impede the growth of E-commerce. On the other hand, retailers no longer think their web sites are simply an added benefit for their customers since the ROI (Return on Investment) percentages from online websites have far outweighed their bricks-and-mortar counterparts (Casey 2004)[10]. For that reason, the staff involved in the traditional sales process requires training to embrace new technologies and to learn how they can benefit from it.

For Dell online store the response from the consumers was huge, however, at first the sales representatives feared that the online website would reduce the number of sale deals they closed. To overcome this, Dell introduced the cost saving model showing how the online store would support sales representative close more deals and at the same time would produce cost effective results that would have a positive ROI on the business.

Dynamic Industry

Customer relations management (CRM) is a very vital competency that was born from the amount of transactional sales deals through call centers. The process of understanding customers goes through the initial phase of collecting data then analyzing trends and eventually building a knowledge base that will drive the profitable relationship (Liew 2008)[11]. Organizations' use of CRM models is an attempt to get firsthand knowledge that would improve marketing effectiveness, bring more personalization, and build brands among other objectives based on the nature of the business (Anderson, Jolly and Fairhurst 2007)[12].

Michael Dell model is based on keeping no inventory, in order for Dell to maintain that they focused on segmenting their customers into scalable businesses that can be analyzed for their level of demand. Sales executives at Dell used communication skills to elicit information from customers that would further support the demand forecast initiatives at the company. In addition, Dell sent surveys to customers to further understand the satisfaction level with the services provided by Dell and modify its product line and services accordingly. Furthermore, Michael Dell discussed how regional meetings in various countries invited potential customers to further enrich the relationship and give room for comments and feedback about Dell's services. On top of all that, Dell strived to provide information for its customers to help them make proper choices for their IT requirements and gain privileged information about new and upcoming technologies. Dell invested in developing a web portal in the form of "Premier Pages" for high-end customers and another for small to medium businesses at[13]. Both sites aim at providing information to customers and establishing a single point of access for customers' IT service requirements.


Dell is simply a success story; it shows how one can gain market advantage by simply understanding what brings value to customers. No one, even Michael Dell himself when he started, thought that people would enjoy customizing their PC orders and wait patiently as the order makes its way back to their homes. Some studies talk about how people challenged the initial delivery estimates provided by Dell to see if they were met.

The level of expansion Dell strived to achieve brought in problems as with any growing business. However, by adapting techniques such as In-sourcing and mutual benefit partnerships it reduced its potential staff from 80,000 to only 15,000. Dell also was aware of factors that would hinder its supply chain. For example, they maintained a multiple list of shippers as not to be affected by unexpected delays and organizational issues. In addition, they understood the importance of developing their own enterprise systems in-house to control all the variables and maintain their business processes.

This is one of the best case studies in the IT industry. I believe the level of commitment Dell showed in the model he created is inspiring. On the editorial side, I believe more highlights on the internal infrastructure of Dell's network would have helped in building an understanding of how the supply chain actually worked. Did they use CRM modules, ERP, SCM, or a combination of all? How did Dell secure its information link with its suppliers, were all of them mature enough when it came to Information systems?


* Organizations should focus on value adding activities like establishing online portals for their customers.
* Businesses should conduct frequent surveys to measure the level of service they provide and work on enhancing their products.
* Organizations should decentralize and enable expansion through global techniques such as out-sourcing and in-sourcing.
* Building internal enterprise information systems is the most effective methodology for information and knowledge sharing.
* Establishing multiple touch points with customers, strengthen the relationship and increases satisfaction levels.
* Meeting global quality standards is the only way to get an advantage in a competitive arena.
* Internal organization assessment and training is vital to maintain the high spirit of employees and increase their productivity.
* Management support and funding is a key element in the success of any information system implementation.


1. Joan Magretta , "The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell." Harvard Business Review 76, no. 2 (Mar/Apr 1998): 72-84, 13, 2.
2. Majed Al-Mashari and Mohamed Zairi, "Supply-chain re-engineering using enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: an analysis of a SAP R/3 implementation case." International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 30, no. 3/4 (2000): 296-313
3. Norman P. Archer, "Supply chains and the enterprise" Journal of Enterprise Information 19, no. 3 (2006): 241-245, 242
4. Sameer Kumar and Sarah Craig, "Dell, Inc.'s closed loop supply chain for computer assembly plants." Information Knowledge Systems Management 6, no. 3 (2007): 197-214,18.
5. Marcum, Jennifer. "In-Source or Outsource?" BioProcess International, June 2007
6. Thomas L. Friedman, The World Is Flat (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006), 168.
7. Dieter Ernst, "Inter-Organizational Knowledge Outsourcing: What Permits Small Taiwanese Firms to Compete in the Computer Industry?" Asia Pacific Journal of Management (Springer Netherlands) 17, no. 2 (August 2000): 223-255, 248
8. Friedman, The World is Flat, 516
9. Ali Khatibi, V.Thyagarajan, and A. Seetharaman, "E-commerce in Malaysia: Perceived Benefits and Barriers." Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers 28, no. 3 (Jul-Sep 2003): 77-82, 6.
10. Bernadette Casey, "Online Monday blacker than in-store Friday." DSN Retailing Today, December 13, 2004: 13-13,0.
11. Chor-Beng Anthony Liew, "Strategic integration of knowledge management and customer relationship management." Journal of Knowledge Management 12, no. 4 (2008): 131-146.
12. Anderson, Joan L., Laura D. Jolly, and Ann E. Fairhurst. "Customer relationship management in retailing: A content analysis of retail trade journals." Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services 14, no. 6 (November 2007): 394-399, 6.
13. Alorie Gilbert, "Dell Online Marketplace Targets Small Businesses." Electronic Buyers' News, October 2, 2000: 58, 0.

A webmaster and a developer with 7 years in-the-field experience in web related technologies. As a certified Internet webmaster Have taught computer programming at New Horizons Computer learning center and worked as an Online Marketing manager and an IT development manager for several companies.


Remanufactured Inkjet Cartridges - Are They Right For Your Printer?

As more and more people are using their printers for everything from printing simple black text to creating colorful documents to printing their very own glossy photos, the need for quality ink, but at an affordable price, has greatly increased. Thankfully, the cost to print all of these things right from home, instead of needing to rely on a commercial printing company, has continued to drop over recent years especially with the advent of recycled and remanufactured inkjet cartridges.

Recycled Inkjet Printer Cartridges

There is no doubt that using a printer with cheap ink cartridges offers far more value for the money, as anyone who owns a printer already knows that replacing the ink is usually more expensive than buying the actual printer in the first place. Depending on the actual type and model of printer you have, you may need to purchase as few as one or two, or as many as six different ink cartridges at a time if all the colors are housed in their own separate cartridges.

Buying ink cartridges directly from the maker of the printer can be rather costly, causing many to turn to generic or compatible ink cartridges, which are any that are not made by the printer's manufacturer. Another popular choice is buying either recycled or remanufactured inkjet cartridges, which are usually the cheapest of all the options.

In fact, not buying replacement inkjet cartridges directly from the manufacturer can save more than half of your total printing costs. Regardless of how little, or what type of printing you may do, using your printer with cheap ink cartridges will still offer a considerable savings over the course of just one year alone.

Recycled inkjet printer cartridges are ideal for the budget minded, or for the environmentally conscious, as well as for those who do quite a lot of photo printing as these have the incredible potential to save up to seventy percent off the cost of ink. A recycled cartridge, as the name implies, is an ink cartridge that is used over again and simply refilled with new ink once the old ink is completely gone.

Recycled cartridges are quickly refilled by inserting the new ink into the tiny nozzles with a small syringe, while a remanufactured inkjet cartridge undergoes a cleaning, refurbishing, and testing process before refilling with new ink. Both options are fast, good for the environment, and far less expensive than buying fresh ink cartridges straight from the printer's manufacturer.

Toner Cartridges for Printers

In addition to the many types of color and black cartridges for both inkjet and photo printers and fax machines, ink toner cartridges for laser printers may also be purchased from a third party, or remanufactured or recycled to save money.

Today, there are thousands and thousands of products that have generic alternatives to choose from, instead of always being limited to the pricier brand names, and printer ink is certainly no different. Using generic ink cartridges or printer toner cartridges is a relatively simple way to save yourself an impressive amount of money, especially if you print a lot of graphics or photos, which many of us do thanks to the ease of digital cameras.

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