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Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Number One Way to Update Drivers Automatically

There is only one way to update anything automatically, and that is by getting an automated update tool. Since drivers need to be updated, you might as well get a software that will do it for you regularly - without having to bother you. Plus, you can continue working even as it works in the background.

You may have been told that Windows has an update wizard feature, and this is certainly true. What you may not have been told is that not all updates are available in this Windows wizard. This is because to be listed on the Windows update wizard, you need to get certified by Windows.

You know, not everyone is on that list, and your drivers may or may not be on the list. If not, then you have the option of manually searching for the update on the internet, buy a device that is compatible with the Windows wizard (really?), or spend a few bucks on an automated update tool.

You can find quite a number of driver update tools on the internet, but to make your search a little easier, here are several of the top driver update tools you can choose from: Driver Cure, Driver Genius, or Driver Detective.

Of these 3, which are quite similar in design and features, the one you pick should also be capable of being updated as well. This means that if you updated your driver this week, it could have a better version in a couple of weeks. This also means that your update driver software should be on top of its game by having the latest updates for you.

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Cornering the Problems of a Slow Computer With a Registry Fix

It's annoying. It's like a "once upon a time, my computer was the best" kind of situation, and you were quite proud to boast about its performance. However, suddenly, your PC seems to be working against you, or has something against you, and it's giving you problems. You may not even know what exactly you are doing to cause the poor speed.

Here's a hint. If you are fully protected against virus, spyware, and the like, and your hard drive has barely touched 50% capacity, then the problem will undoubtedly lie in your registry.

The registry is a part of all Windows-based operating systems that contains all your system and operational files. Without a registry, you will not even be able to boot up, much more use your computer.

It is not really broken, but it does need attention because it has limited space, and you have used up most of it. Technically, the registry fix will clean up your registry from errors or invalid keys. You can do this manually, but it's very risky. One wrong deletion, and you could end up with the need to completely re-format everything.

No, the best way is to get the experts to help you out. These experts have created software to go in, scan your PC's registry, look for the problem area, and make recommendations. You won't ever have to suffer from a loss of power (or power trip) because a registry cleaner will boost your PC's performance by a huge margin.

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The Very Best Way to Easily Stay on Top of Microsoft Driver Updates

If you are feeling quite confident that since your computer is working, you're doing fine, then you're probably going to get a shock when you start seeing error messages flashing across your screen. This will happen if you never do maintenance checks and update, especially with your drivers. Why?

For one, drivers get old. Incidentally, drivers are programs that contain the instructions your computer will need to make your device work. Your devices are your computer peripherals such as video card, sound card, camera, mouse, DVD drive, etc. For any device to work, it needs the driver. Drivers are constantly being updated as we speak.

Finding the updates for your Microsoft drivers can be tiring simply because there are so many to choose from. It could be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, some smart entrepreneurs decided to make things easier for us, and now we have automated driver software. There are quite a few to choose from, but you need to make sure the one you get has been getting excellent feedback, and recommended by experts.

You need the updates because without these updates, your computer could fail to recognize new devices, plus you do not get to enjoy the improvements like bug plugs and new features.

The automated driver update software will do all the work for you, starting with a complete scan of your driver setup, providing you with the recommended updates, and doing the actual updates. You'll probably be stunned by how old your devices are, and how much you've missed. It's fast, it's easy, and most of all, it's convenient.

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